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Join now and enjoy a host of benefits including exclusive access to IFFs exclusive Fashion Library, updates on Furmark and Sustainability, step-by-step tutorials and webinars, a comprehensive events calendar, updated weekly industry news and Communications Materials.

Calling all Farmers, Dressers & Dyers, Manufacturers, Designers and Retailers! Join the world’s largest and only fur trade organisation today to access and enjoy a number of benefits. If you have already registered, please use the login button above to login.

  • Supporter Benefits

    Supporters benefits

    1. Promotion and Placement

    Supporters will have their products and services promoted exclusively on, and on wearefur’s social media channels reaching more than 40,000 followers.


    2. Exclusive Content

    Supporters will have exclusive access to fashion images from IFF’s annual fashion campaigns and fashion week images featuring natural fur straight from the runway.


    3. Live and On-Demand Training

    Supporters will be able to access live and on-demand webinars led by expert speakers on topics and issues that apply to you and your work. Topics will include best-practice demonstrations for social media, retail visual merchandising, and how to transition to ecommerce.


    4. Members Advice Line

    Supporters will be given exclusive access to IFFs advice helpline to support members, including access to a direct-line to help with customs, import and export queries and challenges from animal activists.


    5. Exclusive Access to FURMARK Guides

    Supporters will be able to access IFFs FURMARK program online with easy step-by-step guides on how the program works.


    6. Members Forum

    Supporters will be able to connect with one another, share ideas and best- practice through IFFs online portal.


    7. Members Conference

    Supporters will be invited to an annual conference comprised of presentations, workshops and discussions to help strengthen your business and foster connections.


    8. Weekly News Updates

    Supporters will receive weekly news updates on auction prices and industry news on sustainability, fashion and animal rights and much more.


    9. Product Insurance

    Supporters will have access to product insurance providing peace of mind.


    10. Local Support

    Supporters will have the option to join their national fur federation for more support.


    11. Exclusive Diary Access

    Supporters will have exclusive access to IFFs comprehensive calendar with important fur actions and fashion event dates.


    12. Communications Materials

    Supporters can access and download images, videos, retail content and the latest facts and figures for social media to help you promote your business, sell stocks and communicate your fur business goals.

A valid email address. All emails from the system will be sent to this address. The email address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by email.

Several special characters are allowed, including space, period (.), hyphen (-), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), and the @ sign.

Provide a password for the new account in both fields.

Policy Status Constraint
Members Fail - Password must contain at least 3 types of characters from the following character types: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, special characters. Minimum password character types: 3
Members Fail - Password must contain at least 1 special character. Password must contain 1 special characters
Members Fail - Password must contain at least 1 numeric character. Password must contain 1 numeric characters
Members Fail - Password must contain at least 1 uppercase character. Password must contain 1 uppercase characters
Members Fail - New role was added or existing password policy changed. Please update your password. Maximum consecutive identical characters: 3
Members Fail - Password length must be at least 8 characters. Password character length of at least 8 characters
Members Fail - New role was added or existing password policy changed. Please update your password. Password must not contain the user's username.
Organisation Address
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